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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! 2015 was quite a year, and looks like 2016 will be equally exciting, if not more so. 2015 saw us playing some amazing festivals, such as Førdefestivalen, Folklandia and Korrö Festival, plus a sold-out headliner gig at Celtic Connections. We also had the privilege to share a bill with the amazing Väsen at Riksscenen in Oslo and we played for roughly 10,000 school kids through 6 weeks of touring for Norwegian Rikskonsertene organisation. And, we pretty much finished our second album. Big thanks for Roar Nilsen (Parachute Studios, Oslo) and Stuart Hamilton (Castlesound Studios, Pencaitland) for amazing sounds!

So 2016 will be the year when the album is released, on September 17th. Look out for tour dates in September/October/November in Scandinavia, UK and Germany. Also, the first single will be released already in March 2016, accompanied by a small tour in Norway.

But first, we are off soon to Celtic Connections to participate in conexions: Norway-Scotland-England project, where we’ll make and perform new music with some fantastic musicians, namely Sam Lee, Unni Løvlid, Erlend Apneseth and Sigbjørn Apeland. See you on 16th of January at St. Andrews In The Square!
