Absolutely delighted that Widdershins has been awarded the prestigious Top of the World status from Songlines … for the second time in a row! This means that Widdershins can be heard on all longhaul BA flights! “two musicians at their peak…one of the finest folk duos around”
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“fiendishly clever … leaving you pondering how they did ’that’…” (Bright Young Folk)
“fiendishly clever … leaving you pondering how they did ’that’…” (Bright Young Folk) Great review of Widdershins from Bright Young Folk. Confidence is important in instrumental music. Widdershins, the new album by Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola, shows it all the way from the overall concept down to individual notes. The glissandos in the first… Read more »
5/5 star review of Widdershins from Northern Sky Magazine
Great to get this 5/5 star review of Widdershins today from Northern Sky Magazine. “a fascinatingly impassioned conversation” Widdershins You get the distinct feeling, with Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola’s latest outing WIDDERSHINS, that you’re in earshot of a fascinatingly impassioned conversation. And there’s no need to eavesdrop; on the contrary, the tête-à-tête is going… Read more »
Lovely Deichmanske Biblioteket review
The single was impressive enough, but here they show an even broader spectrum of what can be achieved with just fiddle and guitar. Sarah-Jane Summers og Juhani Silvola Aktuell fordi: duoen som tidligere i år ga ut låten «Widdershins», til positiv omtale blant annet fra denne kanten, har nå kommet med et helt album med… Read more »
Pushwagner as a backdrop!
Good afternoon! I have been spending today beside the stove, cup of tea in hand, going through old messages and emails that I hadn’t yet answered. It’s amazing how quickly they pile up when you are focussing on other things like travelling, packing, unpacking, repacking, practising, etc. Anyway, I came across this photo taken by… Read more »
Melodiva review of Widdershins – in German
Hello! For those of who you can read German, here’s a lovely review of Widdershins from Melodiva: “tremendously dynamic” Der Pressetext klingt vielversprechend: „Hardanger-Fiedel trifft finnische Folkgitarre“! Auf „Widdershins“ – schottisch für „gegen den Uhrzeigersinn/gegen die Norm“ – bürsten die Geigerin Sarah-Jane Summers aus Schottland und der finnische Gitarrist Juhani Silvola die Tradition gegen den… Read more »
If Tor Hammerø likes what we do, I’m more than happy.
“two exceptionally talented instrumentalists … beautiful, great and extremely personal” If Tor Hammerø likes what we do, I’m more than happy! Here’s a rough translation for those who don’t speak Norwegian: http://torhammero.blogg.no/1476977099_over_alle_grenser.html Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola offer unique musical encounters. What could be more natural than that a Scottish violinist and a Finnish guitarist… Read more »
Ivaregga Tonight
We’re playing at Ivaregga in Tolga tonight! First up, however, an interview at NRK in Hamar and a doubtlessly beautiful drive to get there.:)
Dag og Tid interviews Sarah-Jane
Dag og Tid did an interview with Sarah-Jane last week. You can read it here! In it, she talks about the new album ‘Widdershins’, what ‘widdershins’ means, how she and Juhani met, the overwhelmingly positive response of Norwegian children to Scottish music, and reveals the secret that her music career started off with bagpipe lessons… Read more »
Widdershins launch tour
Our Widdershins album tour has kicked off! Very exciting! Hopefully see you en route!