Borrowed Days – the last single before The Smoky Smirr o Rain comes out in full – is out now! You can on Bandcamp, on Spotify and all other good streaming services. Until a couple of years ago, we lived on top of a hill on Nesodden, a peninsula in Oslofjord. One wall of the… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Woohoo!! Super excited about this concert at Førdefestivalen in July. Any concert these days is exciting, but to get to play with such an amazing bunch of wonderful musicians is, well, wheeeeeee!!! Imagine getting to create your own chamber orchestra and play at one of your favourite festivals?! That’s not an everyday thing!
Celtic Connections 2018 – we’re coming your way!
Hello! Celtic Connections released the programme for next year’s festival last night and we are part of it! Can’t wait! We’re playing twice, firstly as part of Sarah-Jane’s New Voices commission on Sunday 28th January, alongside these truly wonderful musicians: Hayden Powell (trumpet), Morten Kvam (double bass), Leif Ottosson (accordion) and Bridget Marsden (fiddle). If… Read more »
Widdershins longlisted for Album of the Year in the Scots Trad Music Award
We’re delighted that Widdershins has been longlisted for ALBUM OF THE YEAR in the Scots Trad Music Awards.
Beautiful new album by traditional Norwegian singer, Ingebjørg Lognvik Reinholdt
We are really proud to be of this beautiful new album Songen Om Guro by the traditional singer, Ingebjørg Lognvik Reinholdt. A song cycle from the Telemark tradition, it tells of the beautiful Guro Heddelid, who caught the fancy of pretty much every male from far and wide. Flirtatious and enjoying the attention, she had… Read more »
“Denn beide sind wahre Meister ihres Fachs…auf höchstem Niveau musizieren”

“Denn beide sind wahre Meister ihres Fachs…auf höchstem Niveau musizieren” GA SUMMERS SILVOLA Live gig review Folk im Feuerschlösschen, Bad Honnef, Germany
“This duo goes straight to somewhere near the top of the ‘Musicians to See Live’ list.” (The Living Tradition)
“This duo goes straight to somewhere near the top of the ‘Musicians to See Live’ list.” SARAH-JANE SUMMERS & JUHANI SILVOLA – Widdershins Dell Daisy Records DELL006 A real cultural mix produces the goods here in this thoroughly likeable album. Widdershins is Highland Scots for anti-clockwise, or against the norm, and that is what is… Read more »
Lira review of Widdershins
For those of you who read Swedish, a review from Lira. Lägg ordet Sydänyö på minnet! Hur svårt kan det vara? Lättare än att säga skotskt-finskt. Sydänyö betyder midnatt, eller mer poetiskt: Nattens hjärta. Denna cd:s första låt inleds med att Juhani Silvola lugnt plockar toner ur sin akustiska gitarr och Sarah-Jane Summers glissandon låter… Read more »
Great review of Widdershins from Rob Adams in The Herald
Thanks to Rob Adams for this review of Widdershins in The Herald. “An album full of contrasts…Widdershins makes a great case for seeing Summers and Silvola in concert.” Album review: Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola, Widdershins (Dell Daisy) Widdershins Widdershins 2 Dec 2016 / Rob Adams, Folk & Jazz critic Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola… Read more »
“a talent for musical invention that is rarely surpassed”
Nice words from R2 Magazine about Widdershins! “Sarah-Jane and Juhani have a talent for musical invention that is rarely surpassed.”